2019 New Year’s Resolutions
Miriam | Posted on |
Hi friends! I don’t know what your winter is like, but here in Texas, most days have been gray and cold. My vitamin D levels have plummeted, which makes me feel more fatigued (as if I didn’t have enough of that already!).
I know I’m a tad late for the 2019 New Year’s resolutions posts. But I wanted to share some of mine and what I’m learning through it.
Resolution #1
Since Hashi’s symptoms are a constant moving target, the hope is to pinpoint my immune system’s triggers. I want to live the abundant life Jesus talks about in John 10:10 so that I can be emotionally and physically available to do the works the Lord assigned to me since before the beginning of the world (Ephesians 2:10).
After much research, I settled on the Auto Immune Protocol aka AIP diet. The premises of this diet is to eliminate possible immune triggers such as gluten, dairy, legumes, nuts, soy, refined sugars, caffeine etc. Then after a period of time, you slowly reintroduce foods back into your diet. The goal is to find out what foods you can tolerate and avoiding foods that exasperate your condition.
By God’s grace alone, I have been able to stick to the AIP diet for about 6 weeks now. I plan to keep moving forward and be patient with the process.
Some notable improvements:
- I’m less anxious
- Less dizziness
- New cravings for healthy food!?
- Decreased lady time symptoms
- And oh, I’ve lost 11 pounds so far! Extra shot out to Jesus because my weight has only gone upward since 2015
What New Year’s resolutions have you made this year?
Are you still hanging in there?
Resolution #2
The second goal is to let go of perfectionism! It has only held me back my whole life.
For example, writing this blog has been a huge struggle. I OVER analyze every word.
I question myself.
I write. Delete.
I procrastinate for weeks, which turns into months.
I start over.
It’s sad…
Because I know what the Lord has called me to do with this blog and perfectionism hinders my obedience and calling.
With that being said, I will be writing shorter, more frequent posts. My goal is the write bi-monthly for now.
Lessons Learned so far….
- Just do it! If God has given you a dream or assignment to accomplish, go forth! Recently several acquaintances in my age group have passed away, this has helped me to remember that time is short. We may not get a tomorrow. Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
- Dip your foot into the Jordan, then the Lord will part it. Just like in Joshua 3:30 “And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream, and they shall stand as a heap.”
The Lord didn’t part the water before the Israelites arrived to the edge of the river, but after they set their feet in the Jordan.
With both diet and perfectionism I’m realizing that I just have to take that first step forward. I have to set my feet in the “Jordan” and the lord will take my excuses, my lack of self control stand up as a heap. Your’s too!
Until next time!
Agape xoxo,
PS- this morning (February 22) I read this from my devotional Streams in The Desert. God is so good! It relates to what I just wrote last night on this post!
“So I step into the waters, finding there an open way;
Onward press, the land possessing; nothing can my progress stay.
Yea, I rise at His commanding, walk straightway, and joyfully:
This, my hand, so sadly shrivelled, as I reach, restored shall be.“
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