Do You Struggle With Fear of Flying?

Hi friends!

I recently took a trip to New York City to celebrate my daughter’s 13th birthday.  The timing was perfect, because several days after we returned home COVID-19 began to spread across the US and the quarantines began. 

Aside from the gift of being able to take this trip to NYC, I wanted to share another major praise report.

I struggled with the fear of flying since I was 24.  

Prior to this I enjoyed flying so much.  

In fact I saw it for what it was, a special rare occasion to get from point A to point B quickly and enjoy the views from above. 

This trip was different though, God has been doing a new work in me as I will get to in a minute.  

Do you have a fear of flying?

Chances are you may, according to one source, up to 25% of Americans have a fear of flying. That’s a gang of us…

Another fun fact, the technical name for fear of flying is “aviophobia.” 

Ok, so if you fall into this category of aviophobia, can you relate to one or more of these scenarios when flying? 

  1.  You ask everyone and their mom to pray for you before flying because you are certain your life is about to be in danger!
  2. Days leading up to the trip, you picture yourself getting on the airplane and just the thought makes you shudder tense and anxious.
  3. You rehearse worst case scenarios.
  4. Then, on the actual flight you are so afraid that you can barely swallow or talk or do much else.
  5. You think you are about to have a panic attack.
  6.  No distraction will do! It’s only fear that you can think about.
  7. You may even tell yourself  “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” then immediately remember a past negative experience flying and doubt you can ever change.

And on and on it goes.  All the above describe me every time I’ve flown for the last decade or so. 

Since the onset of aviophobia, I’ve become a Christian and I now know (tongue twister) part of my problem is that I’m meditating on the wrong things. 

So what should you and I be meditating on? 

Fortunately, the Bible provides us with guidance  and I’ll list a few.

“ Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” 

Phil 4:4-8. 


“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

2 Tim 1:7


Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Isa 41:10

Truth is, we are always meditating on something. 

As I recently heard in a podcast, to paraphrase, the initial thought is not the sin. We can’t control every thought that comes in, but we can control what we ruminate on. 

So we can choose to meditate on fear or on the truth of God’s word. 

OK, so the  praise report I wanted to share is….

I was able to fly to and from NYC without the severe anxiety and sometimes panic attacks I usually have when flying!!!

This is pretty major!

I feel so liberated and grateful to God for helping me see light at the end of that long dark tunnel. 

It encourages me and gives me hope that He will certainly continue to help me on future flights. 

What changed you may ask?

I really focused this time around to make a conscience effort to remind myself of the truth’s contained in scriptures.  

I recited God’s word and used it to combat lies with truth.

During the flight, if I felt even a tinge of anxiety creeping up I prayed and acknowledged that I am not in control of the airplane, or my life and that God is. He also knows the number of my years.  

I was choosing to meditate on what is true.  That God is sovereign and in control. 

I am not. 

I never will be.  

Consciously acknowledging this is very cathartic and places the focus off of you and unto God.  

Even through scary turbulence I was able to relax and enjoy looking out the window. 

I even had conversations with my daughters and mom. 

I was like “this is what it feels like to be “normal” on a flight.

I’m still battling other areas of fear/anxiety and worry.  

But I wanted to share this victory in battle from the rooftops in hopes it can encourage someone out there to keep fighting in the Lord. 

My heart goes out to any of you out there that struggle with fear of flying. Or fear of anything for that matter.   

Take heart that the Lord can work in your life to give you victory over fears and phobias. 

“For with God nothing will be impossible.” Keep pressing on being persistent in prayer.  It will change slowly over time, be patient with yourself it can be a process. 

Agape xoxo


PS- What are some ways you are staying busy during the quarantine?

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